What I am working on at the moment

A sneak peek into some new work that I have been developing over the last weeks in response to the intense conditions we Humans find ourselves in these days. It is hard to remember that we are part of the greater creation and as I have sought solace from the relentlessness of electronic media and unusual sites of fellow Humans without mouths, these wonderful creatures have come to be beside me and I would like to share their journey from concept to physical reality with you as they undergo the last process of becoming solid. These little fellows will be available to go to new homes very soon!

in the process of becoming

As the sun dips below the Western horizon and darkness descends it is only then that the Singing Stargazers emerge to lift their heads in reverence to the myriad twinkling lights in the flow of the Milky Way. The sweet and subtle song of the Striated Singing Stargazer can only be heard by the hearts of fellow stargazers and the actual bird is never seen by the physical eye. In times of turmoil the Stargazers come out on mass to sooth the souls of the troubled and reignite a sense of wonderment in the knowledge that we are part of something greater than ourselves.

In the making