Clay for Kids Workshop in the Studio

An antithesis to the movie 'Ghost'

I was honored to welcome a gorgeous group of young Children and Parents to my studio for a clay workshop this week. We all had lots of fun starting with clay balls and snakes which quickly became many other creatures and pretty soon clay working areas were populated with creative creatures and social interactions over clay cups of tea within creative surroundings. As an antithesis to the movie ‘Ghost’, it was great fun to be able to guide some of the older Kids through their first experience of the creative power of centrifugal force on the pottery wheel – I loved experiencing their excitement as they felt the clay walls of a vessel growing upwards between their fingers. Everyone went home with a Clay for Kids pack so they can continue to enjoy play through clay. Thank you to all the Kids, Mums & Dads for a wonderful workshop and I will be firing the wheel works soon.

A gorgeous way to say thank you!