
Some of my stories.

Angie’s Autumn Newsletter

March 2024

Welcome to  my Autumn newsletter

Hello Everyone and welcome to my first newsletter for 2024. I completely skipped the Summer edition as life has been hectic both in the studio and in the garden and I imagine most of you have enjoyed a busy Summer also.

As the days draw in, one is reminded that the Sun’s rays are weakening in our hemisphere and we start to enter into the calmness of Autumn and perhaps begin to become a little more contemplative and afford ourselves more time to enjoy the natural environment without the scorching Summer heat.

For those of you who enjoyed the hands-on workshops last year I will be offering three workshops during Autumn, some will be over two days to afford more time to design, build, dry, and color your works as sometimes one day just isn’t long enough. I also have one workshop suitable for Children and Adults together. Please let me know if you have a wish list for workshops – what would you like to learn?

Exhibitions and partnerships with other businesses will be a feature of the coming months, some outlined in this newsletter and others still in the planning stages so keep your eye on my social media for notifications.

I’m excited to be exhibiting at SOL Gallery in March and looking forward to installing my Encasement installation in the Window Gallery at SOL. So even if you can’t make it to the gallery for the opening or in business hours, the work will be visible 24/7 in the window.

Each piece if available to purchase separately or if you have that special place just for the entire work, it is also available in its entirety.

If you can make it to the opening on March 7,  6-8pm, I would love to see you and raise a glass with you.

The exhibition continues until 17 March

– Easter at Rushworth Festival-

Rushworth comes alive on Easter Saturday with a huge market, and activities for the kids, and the event that everyone waits for is the Street Parade which offers a glimpse of Yesteryear.

My studio Gallery will be open Easter Saturday, Sunday and Monday 10-3 daily and there will be lots of new works on the shelves. Love you to pop in and say hi.

Make a Handbuilt Vase – 2 Day Workshop
This Workshop maybe for you ifyou are interested in extending your clay handbuilding skills and experimenting with painted or stamped decorative techniques? The cooler weather is the perfect time to handbuild and I am offering this workshop over two days so that we can really get our teeth into it, relax into a rythm with the clay and build and decorate a vase that you will enjoy using in your home.Participants will be provided with one pack of clay to make thier vase with and all materials and firing costs are included in the workshop cost. Participants will be required to collect their finished works onece they are glazed and fired as they will be too expensive to post to you.
Date:                    Saturday May 11 & Sunday May 12
Time:                   10.00am to 4.00pm   with a lunch break (bring lunch or treat
yourself at one of Rushworths coffee shops)
Cost:                    $250.00 per person
Participants:        Suitable for Adults
Location:             Angie’s Studio – High St Rushworth

Numbers are limited for this workshop and bookings can be made online following the link below.
School Holiday Workshop for Adults and Children
Learn to make small clay animal sculptures that have character and movement with legs that won’t fall off!
This workshop is for Children and an accompanying Adult to spend 2 hours working and learning together in a playful and relaxed environment. If weather permits, the workshop will be held in the garden. All materials and tools are supplied for the workshop and the resulting masterpieces will be kiln fired and mailed to you approximately 10 days after the workshop. You will take home a Clay for Kids pack to extend your skills at home after the workshop.

Date:                    Friday 5 July
Time:                   10.30am to 12.30
Cost:                    $150.00 per 1 Adult and 1 child team
Participants:      Suitable for Adults and Children from 5 years of age
Location:             Angie’s Studio – High St Rushworth

Numbers are limited for this workshop and bookings can be made online following the link below.

Design & Make Your Own Set Of 6 Cake Or Dessert Plates
Two day workshop to design and make your own small cake or dessert plates to share food and special times with Friends and Family.
Day 1. Friday 17 May. Draw the design that you would like to impress onto the clay. Carve your printing block, roll your clay and print/impress your personal design on the clay. Make your plates or bowls.
Day 2. Friday 24 May. Your sets of bowls or plates will have been bisque fired. You will be able to assess your work and then learn to prepare the work for glazing and glaze it, pack it in the kiln ready for firing.

This workshop is designed to allow plenty of time for the creative process of design and creating the printing block and allow proper drying time for the work so that participants can undertake the colouring and glazing phase.

Dates:                  Friday 17 May & Friday 24 May
Time:                   10.30am to 3.30pm with a lunch break (bring lunch or treat
yourself at one of Rushworths coffee shops)
Cost:                    $250.00 Per Person
Participants:      Suitable for Adults
Location:           Angie’s Studio – High St Rushworth
Numbers are limited for this workshop and bookings can be made online following the link below.

Angie’s Studio continues to be open every weekend and most Public Holidays 10am-3pm daily. I also open for groups of 6 or more people on appointment. I am continually making new work which means there is always something new on the shelves. My work has two streams – 1. bespoke functional pottery & 2. Sculptural and Conceptual artworks.

I always love meeting the people who pop into my studio and am lways happy to consider commissions and collaborative projects.

Happy Autumn to you All

Angie Russi